We have access to online training, but you cannot really substitute for learning by tackling the actual work challenges. Once you learn the basis of what we are using, e.g. JavaScript, C#, PL/SQL, and so on, you then just have to solve problems by using documentation, ChatGPT, and talking to coworkers.
Graduate, Wellington - 09 Jun 2024
Hands-on training learning how MSD operates for a BA, I learn better this way so enjoyed it substantially.
Graduate, Wellington - 08 Feb 2024
The training process took quite a long time. I was given a bunch of links by my people manager and I found that it wasn't relevant to my technical role, but still relevant for the admin / people side of things. I had to look up my own training videos and have picked up a lot since then such as the Change / Release process, DevOps, Microsoft Azure and how to use it, Software Lifecycle process, How to deploy services, How to read and review scripts, How to make servers, How the whole delivery process works. All of which I never learnt during my university studies. I have never been formally trained. I feel like I had to reach out all the time and ask how to do things - which is a good and bad thing because most of the time, I felt lost and annoying that I kept asking a million questions, but good because I was making myself known and learning how to reach out and not be afraid, and it feels like I'm actually willing to learn and take control.
Graduate, Wellington - 10 Nov 2023
Most of the learning for my role was through my buddy and manager. Otherwise there are a lot of materials in DXC Learn which are great for upskilling in areas where you have not had exposure to in your studies. This is very encouraged at DXC and you are pushed to apply time in your first couple of months doing these courses.
Graduate, Wellington - 30 Oct 2023
The graduate program is very well structured. The first 6 months of the program is relatively similar for all the grads, as they will undergo training sessions and modules/shadowing; however each role is different. The next six months are far more on the job training for example I was managing bids, and others in my cohort were put onto projects. The development does not stop after the graduate program finishes. I have a 5 year roadmap set up to understand what I should be achieving each year.
I have had the privilege of attending training sessions in Sydney. This was AMAZING. I was exposed to externally facilitated workshop sessions alongside learning from senior internal DXC employees.
I have picked up many skills from being in my role at DXC. The main one being confidence. Although I have always relatively been an outgoing person I was always shy and nervous to speak publicly or ask questions. This role has taught me it's okay to be wrong. I now have no issues having discussions with people in C level roles or attending networking events.
Being a young professional, I did think my age would affect the ability to interact and gain respect from customers. I have now learnt this is not the case. The one thing I have learnt from my mentors is that age is just another number and if you don't let it be a problem then it won't be as long as I come to the meeting prepared.
Graduate, Wellington - 11 Sep 2023
In terms of formal training, its mostly watching videos which is okay, but it can never beat having a 1 on 1 with someone informally to understanding something.
Graduate, Wellington - 11 Sep 2023
Formal training was ok, just watching training videos and or video conferencing. Informal was significantly more useful for understanding what your role is and how to do it.
Graduate, Wellington - 11 Sep 2023
There is not a lot of training. Sometimes you are expected to use technologies that you have no experience with and aren't given time to train with them. But there are training videos on DXC learning.
Graduate, Wellington - 11 Sep 2023
DXC provides an exceptional training regime. They provide a service called DXC Learning which has a vast number of courses for individuals to learn from. At the same time your first day of work, you will be provided an organized on-boarding training program where you will see the schedule of what topics or styles of work you will be learning in each week.
Graduate, Wellington - 11 Aug 2023
Yes and no. I had a mentor that wasn't really present most of the year then left for another role within the company. However she did put me with other people.
Graduate, Auckland - 11 Jul 2023
My company has a learning repository that is accessible by every staff member, in addition industry certification expenses are fully funded. I have gained industry certifications in Cloud Technologies
Graduate, Mandurah - 24 Nov 2020
Leadership skills and role specific skills gained from on the job projects, graduate program and online training modules
Graduate, Auckland - 24 Nov 2020
When grads join, there are a series of videos for training, and then occasional training for things such as Microsoft Azure.
Graduate, Mandurah - 24 Nov 2020