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CQUniversity Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Chevron are big on self-development, so I am constantly learning and devote 20% of my time each week on upskilling.

Lance D’Antoine

  • Day in the life

Lance Villanueva

As part of the Finance graduate program, Woodside supports learning and development which includes the accreditation of our Chartered Accountancy.
  • Graduate stories
I love the satisfaction of completing each payment run and the adrenaline after getting all payments signed off before the payment cut-off time.

Lara Cody

  • Graduate stories
I chose Mechanical Engineering because I feel that it is an area that can cover other disciplines. The skills are transferrable and universal.

Larissa Cortez Bran

  • Graduate stories
One of the tasks that I enjoy the most is when we come together as a team to discuss a problem and brainstorm solutions. It's great to hear everyone's point of view and ideas and to work together to find the best solution.

Larry Tanadi

  • Day in the life

Laura Bishop

One of the main tasks we do is using the model and various data to understand the potential fibrous (asbestos) risk in areas set to be drilled or mined in the near future.
  • Day in the life

Laura Boyd

Laura Boyd graduated with a Bachelor of Economics and Human Resources at the University of Sydney in 2017 and is now a Sales Graduate at Dyson.
  • Graduate stories
To me, OW is the place where you go not just to fix a problem, but to really build something new. The culture has a huge emphasis on challenging conventional thinking to help chart new futures for our clients and communities. 

Laura Bui